Making a successful campaign on Google Adwords is relatively hard. It is even harder if you have never done this. Today we are going to present you one really useful and quality course that will learn you how to advertise your mobile app with Google Adwords for Mobile Apps. It is a course produced by Udemy, it has been already used by many and you will need only PC and Internet connection, because it is an online course.
The course will be lead by Google certified partner. It contains 22 lectures about different Google Adwords topics. I will try to explain you in a very simple manner what you will get from this course:
2. You will learn how to create campaigns in the search and display network
3. You will learn how to monitor and optimize your activity.
In all this steps you will be followed by the teacher and you will get constant help until you learn what every term means and until you learn how to manage your campaigns yourself. That is the purpose of the course, to understand how Google Adwords for Mobile Apps works and how you can gain from it and use it to increase downloads of your apps. It is a pretty powerful tool if you know how to manage and use it.
I am definitely starting this course, because I need to engage more users on my new project app. For the users of hightechholic I also managed to get coupon that will give you $15 discount. Learn more about the course, collect the discount and sign up for it here. It is one time course that will serve you forever for any new campaign and that will provide you with more downloads and maximizing your advertising budget.