Friday, June 17, 2016

Hoverboard self balancing 2 wheel scooter – Great Way to Have Fun

Ever since they were introduced few years ago and were large populated in US by the famous vlogger and film maker Casey Neistat, the hoverboard is experiencing some sort of boom as a great way to have fun while traveling. At its core the hoverboard is a self-balancing 2 wheel scooter. You can buy them on the Internet from various websites. The prices can range from $150-2000 depending the brand, power and built material. Let’s see what determines the price, where you can get it and how to drive it.

Features and specs

Hoverboards have different series which have different prices. Don’t be surprised if some series cost a lot more than the others. That is because they probably have better casing, battery and power. This leads to the basic features and specs you must look into before buying a hoverboard.

Besides the series, the body casing is extremely important. Solid and quality body casing will spare the hoverboard from permanent damages and enable you to enjoy the hoverboard in more extreme environments.

The wheels and tires are the next spec you want to watch out. The rubber tires and the aluminum wheels are practically a standard. If you are particularly interested in a certain model, then it would be smart to ask other users about the feel of the tires and the wheels, because the feel is extremely important.

The battery is important as well, because more powerful batteries will enable longer periods of riding. Try to buy hoverboards with lithium batteries that have higher mAh.

The voltage and the Watt amount on the other hand determine the hoverboard speed and power. The hoverboards with higher Watts and higher in and out voltage ratio are usually more expensive.

Just follow this parameters, buy from reliable vendors and read online reviews related to that particular model and you will most likely buy the best hoverboard for your needs.

How to Drive it – Tips and Advices

If you never used a hoverboard you will most likely have hard time learning to ride one. However, after several successful attempts, you will most likely never have any problems riding hoverboard again. You can find a good tutorial on how to ride a hoverboard here, but you can also watch videos on YouTube that feature step by step guides. The key is finding the right balance and getting the right brain-body connection.

Final Thoughts
Hoverboards are a great way to have fun. They are one of the most popular tech gadgets nowadays. They can be used for transportation on short distances and can replace the bikes and the skateboards as another extreme tech gadget. The cool thing about the hoverboards is that they can be also driven in closed rooms and on various different surfaces. They are easy to get and relatively affordable. Hope this article will help you in getting the basic features and functions of this self balancing 2 wheel scooter.