Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Entertainment App of the Month – Scam Face Emotion Recognition

When someone is shouting right in your face, it’s pretty easy to tell that person is angry. But can you tell from looking at a picture how someone is feeling? Whether they’re feeling embarrassed, rather than ashamed? Well now you can! Get started on simple identifying human emotions and expressions with our Entertainment App of the Month. It’s called Scam Face Emotion Recognition and it’s ready to turn your iPhone or iPad into a powerful face emotion reader!

What is Scam Face Emotion Recognition?

Our faces tell much more than our ears hear, or eyes see. But only if we had the knowledge and tools to detect the most subtle changes in our facial expressions. Well with today’s technology that’s made possible with apps like Scam Face Emotion Recognition which utilizes the world’s largest face emotion data repository of about 5.7 million faces analyzed across 75 different countries from all around the world. This data totals in about 38.944 hours, representing nearly 2 billion analyzed face frames.

Easily turn your device into an emotion reader!

Scam Face Emotion Recognition App utilizes this in really effective way, to make reading face emotions easy and accessible for us with a touch of a finger, right on our phones. Simply upload any picture you would like analyzed and press a button. The app does the rest for you. The app can analyze pictures, recorded videos, or, it also has the option to use the camera so it can analyze in real time. Point your camera at the desired human subject and analyze away!

Simple and straight forward, it effortlessly does what it is designed for.  You really ought to try it if you are interested in the human emotion and how it manifests on our faces. Become better at reading people by recognizing the emotions on their faces. Download Scam Face Emotion Recognition at the App Store for free, and start analyzing.

App Store Download link: Scam Face Emotion Recognition

Official Website Link:
Scam Face Emotion Recognition