What is this app exactly?
Developed for IOS users this fantasy sports app is very easy to use and offering easy win to fantasy sports lovers that need help to draft their players and get rewarded for their achievements when competing with other players. On this app, all players are able to get real cash prizes for their best performance in contests offered by the app by using the app’s drafting system as the fastest in the world. All players need to do is to pick their players from every Star Tier and they are done. Weekly awards are offered to the best players, offering them to have fun while competing and bettering their game.
Why do we love this app?
The letsRUMBL can help all fantasy sports lovers by offering them 2 different by highly fun game modes they can choose from. The head to head mode is allowing the player to challenge a friend or let the app to choose his rival. The group mode is allowing the player to get a chance to win more money by playing with more people at once. New badges are offered to the player by the app’s achievements system daily, as the app’s amplifier that can be used by players to create up to 25 games at once by preference.
On this amazing app, players can easily get their free entries to the leader board each week, to constantly keep track of the live score by following the player’s moves whenever they want. On the app players can add their friends on the rival list and then to squash group contests or H2H contests. If some player wants to get into action again he can easily use the app’s 1 touch rematch to do that without much effort. Friendly nudges can be sent among players as an invite to contests and the best players each week will be awarded with real cash prizes.
Download this app on App Store now for free.
Official Website: letsRUMBL
App Store Download Link: letsRUMBL
Originally posted on Tehnico.