Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Train to Trade Stocks & Have Fun with StockPredict for Android

Stock trading and stock prediction can be complicated for beginners. For such cases it’s best to learn and train stock skills with stock prediction games. Today we have one of the best new ones in the name of StockPredict.

StockPredict – General Info

 StockPredict is an android stock prediction game for beginners. It features competitive spirit, fun features to learn stock prediction, as well as the possibility to compete and earn Amazon gift cards.

Why it’s great?

The simple UI is pretty straightforward and enables you to easily predict on the top 3 stocks of the day. You can give predictions fast and easy, but of course the goal is to give the best and closest prediction as possible. Once you do it, you enter in competition with other players, and if you have the closest prediction of the stock value, you win the daily challenge and get the reward points.
At any time, you can vote for stocks that will be the next day’s top 3 stocks for prediction. 

Additionally, you can also spin the wheel to earn diamonds which you can use for the votes.
The goal of the game is to give the best predictions and win rewards points, which later you can claim for an Amazon Gift Card. If you get a gift card, you will receive it in your StockPredict mail.

Overall, this is a well-crafted stock prediction game for the US stock market. Try it if you are interested in learning and competing with other players.

Google Play Download Link: StockPredict