Monday, December 9, 2019

Make the Most of Your Whatsapp Account with Status Saver and WhatsScan QR Scanner

Whatsapp is the best and most used messaging app in the world. But still, it lacks some features like using the app on the web with the same account or downloading the video & image statuses of your friends and contacts. For that reason today we will cover Status Saver and WhatsScan QR Scanner for Android.

Easy to Use Whatsapp Tool

If you are looking for an easy way to add multiple accounts or use your whatsapp account on multiple devices, you will hardly find a better tool than this one. It’s easy to use and it also incorporates the whatsapp status saving feature!

Download Statuses & Open Chats with Ease

To download statuses pick the status saver feature at the beginning, select a category and select from the various statuses offered to you. You can view or reshare the statuses as you wish.

In order to add your whatsapp account to tablets, other phones or desktop computers, you need just to follow the Whatsweb whatsapp scan feature and follow the instructions. One of the key things you need to do is to scan your uniquely generated QR code.

By having this helpful tool you can get the most of Whatsapp and manage your accounts in a much better way. If you need these features, you can try them for free on the Google Play link below.

Google Play Download Link: Status Saver and WhatsScan QR Scanner