Friday, November 17, 2023

TrackCoins App Revolutionizes Investment Tracking: Metal and Crypto Prices at Your Fingertips 24/7


In the dynamic realm of financial markets, staying ahead of the curve is essential, and the TrackCoins app emerges as a game-changer, offering a comprehensive suite of features for both metal and crypto enthusiasts. Available for iOS and Android, TrackCoins ensures users are constantly in the loop with live metal and crypto price alerts, providing a real-time market watch on your phone 24/7.


Real-Time Updates Every 1-2 Minutes

TrackCoins takes real-time tracking to the next level, with live metal and crypto price updates every 1-2 minutes. This means users can follow live prices in their preferred currency per weight unit or coin, gaining valuable insights into market fluctuations and trends.


Diverse Metal Portfolio and Global Currencies

From the luster of Gold to the resilience of Nickel, TrackCoins allows users to explore prices for a range of metals including Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Copper, Lead, and Aluminum. With a global perspective, the app supports six major currencies: US-Dollar, Euro, British Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Russian Rubel, and Chinese Renminbi Yuan.


Graphical Analysis for Informed Decision-Making

TrackCoins empowers users to make informed decisions by offering a graphical representation of stock history. Whether you're interested in short-term trends (1H, 1D) or a broader market overview (30D, 1Y, MAX up to March 2020), the app provides the tools needed for comprehensive market analysis.


Precious Metal Calculator for Quick Conversions

Understanding metal prices is simplified with TrackCoins' precious metal calculator. Users can seamlessly convert prices per gram, kilogram, ton, troy ounce, and pound, making it easy to interpret and compare values across different units.


Personalized Alerts and Favorites

TrackCoins doesn't just inform; it interacts with users. Set price alert alarms tailored to your preferences, whether it's per coin, gram, kilogram, ton, troy ounce, or pound, and receive notifications that keep you ahead of market movements. Users can also set stocks as favorites for quick access to live prices on the main page.


Multilingual Interface and Crypto Integration

Available in both English and German, TrackCoins is breaking down language barriers, with plans to introduce more languages in the near future. Recognizing the growing importance of cryptocurrencies, the app now also provides prices for popular options, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, ChainLink, Stellar, and Bitcoin Cash.


In a financial landscape where timing is everything, TrackCoins stands out as an indispensable tool for investors, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience. Download TrackCoins today and elevate your investment tracking to new heights, whether you're into precious metals, cryptocurrencies, or both.